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“Our work is not to teach, but to help the absorbent mind in its work of development. How marvelous it would be if by our help, if by an intelligent treatment of the child, if by understanding the needs of his physical life and by feeding his intellect, we could prolong the period of functioning of the absorbent mind!” - Maria Montessori.
Childhood is the time to plant seeds which will blossom later. By allowing the child to explore with his/her senses rather than merely reading a textbook an empirical attitude is fostered. The child should be encouraged to prove things for him/herself. An important tool in developing this empirical attitude is observation. In presenting the child with opportunities to really see and listen, his/her powers of observation are improved. Further, through involvement with nature with both mind and body, the child’s ability to concentrate grows. Exploration with living things then helps to train the child’s senses and enables him/her to perceive more precisely.
Throughout the cultural area, the adult wonders with the child, guiding the child to his/her own discoveries. The key is that we experience together with the child instead of telling the child what to experience. Discovery is what it is all about! 

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Small Melamine Tray

Small  Melamine Tray with Handles for a variety of Practical Life exercises.

Please specify colour: green, orange, white, or black.

Measures: 25 x 19 cm


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Botany Cabinet with 18 Insets

Using the Botany Cabinet, the child learns the shapes and names of leaves by tracing their borders and matching them to those in the natural environment.

The Botany Cabinet (48 x 30 x 15 cm) consists of a wooden cabinet with 3 drawers and 18 leaf-shape insets and frames (14x14 cm each frame).

Acerose, cordate, cuneate, deltoid, elliptical, fan-shaped, hastate, lanceolate, linear, obcordate, oblong, obovate, orbiculate, ovate, peltate, reniform, sagittate, and spatulate.

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Leaf Cards Cabinet with Cards for 5.01.3

This wooden cabinet with 3 sections contains 54 corresponding cards in solid, thick line, and thin line to match the leaf shapes in the 5.01.3 Botany Cabinet with 18 Insets.

Cards are included.

Cabinet dimensions: 17cm x 14.5 cm x 14 cm.

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Botany Cabinet 3-Part Cards

A set of Botany Cabinet 3-Part Cards for matching, vocabulary, and definition of:

Acerose, cordate, cuneate, deltoid, elliptical, fan-shaped, hastate, lanceolate, linear, obcordate, oblong, obovate, orbiculate, ovate, peltate, reniform, sagittate, and spatulate.

Printed in colour on white card stock, this set includes 54 cards:

18 picture cards (7 x 7 cm)

18 labeled cards (7 x 10 cm)

18 labeles (7 x 2.1 cm)

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Botany Cabinet Control Chart

The Botany Cabinet Control Chart (45 x 31 cm) allows a child to identify or match the leaf shapes to find the correct name.

Acerose, cordate, cuneate, deltoid, elliptical, fan-shaped, hastate, lanceolate, linear, obcordate, oblong, obovate, orbiculate, ovate, peltate, reniform, sagittate, and spatulate.

Made of plastic to enhance durability.

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Quantity must be lower than or equal to 11
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Wooden Leaf Puzzle and Control Card

Our Botany Puzzles can be used in your Casa or Toddler classrooms.

Wooden puzzle with metal knobs measures 20 x 20cm (7.9 x 7.9 inches).

Control card is also included (20 x 20cm, 7.9 x 7.9 inches).

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Apple Puzzle

The wooden apple puzzle can be used in your Primary or Toddler Montessori Classroom.

The puzzle measures: 9.5 x 7.5 x 0.5 inches.  

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Botany Puzzle Activity Set

This Botany Puzzle Activity Set is used with the Botany Puzzles to help the child name the different parts of the leaf, tree, and flower.

A wooden 4-compartment beechwood box with lid containing

3 control cards (21.5 x 21.5 cm) and 15 name cards (6.5 x 3 cm) for botany puzzle activity.

All cards are made of plastic to enhance durability.

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Soft Foam Cross-Section Plant Cell Model

This model of a plant cell splits in half to provide a cross-section view and make learning the parts of a plant cell easy.

One half of the colorful foam model is labeled with the parts of the cell, and the other is labeled with letters only.

Included Activity Guide provides detailed information on plant cells.

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Soft Foam Cross-Section Animal Cell Model

Teaching the parts of an animal cell to your child is easy, thanks to this hands-on model!

The soft foam cell splits in half to show the key parts of an animal cell, including the nucleus, nucleolus, vacuole, centrioles, cell membrane and more.

One hemisphere is labeled with the parts of the cell; the other features only letters next to each cell part, making it a natural tool for a child to practice.

A Reference Guide is included, providing activity ideas and facts about animal cells.

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