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Sensorial Materials


Montessori Sensorial Materials are materials used in the Montessori classroom to help a child develop and refine their five senses. Use of these Sensorial Materials constitutes the next level of difficulty after those of Practical Life.
The development of the child at this stage is characterized by a sequence of sensitive periods. The Montessori Sensorial Materials have been designed to respond to these sensitive periods.
Maria Montessori stated, “The secret of preparing one for a particular skill consists in utilizing that period of life between the ages of 3 and 6, when there is a natural inclination to perfect ones senses and movements.”
In terms of adaptation Maria Montessori strived to offer the environment to the child in a very clear, concrete form through the use of “materialized abstractions” as they allowed the child to reorganize his     knowledge according to new Practical Life principles and, thus, increase his capacity for learning. 
The training of the senses is of utmost importance in the education of the young child. The development of the senses actually precedes that of the higher intellectual faculties. In fact the child’s sensori-motor experiences are the foundation of his intellectual life.  

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Demonstration Tray

A wooden tray with a removable grid, three basic geometric insets and three blank wooden squares.

The geometric demonstration tray contains insets and frames for the three basic geometric shapes: circle, square and triangle and three blank wooden squares.

Demonstration tray is used with the cabinet to introduced plain geometric shapes in isolation.

• Dimensions: 17.25 x 11.75 inches.

• Recommended ages: 3 years and up.

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Constructive Triangles - 5 Boxes

The set includes 5 wooden boxes with lids contain triangles in different sizes, shapes and colors: two rectangular boxes, one triangular box, one small hexagonal box, and one large hexagonal box, each containing triangles of different size, shape, and color. .

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Constructive Blue Triangles

The box of Constructive Blue Triangles is used in the elementary Montessori classroom to explore equivalency, congruency and similarity.

A box with lid contains 12 right-angled scalene triangles.

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Circles, Squares And Triangles

The sets of Circles, Squares And Triangles provide the possibility for the child to explore and experiment with the three basic geometric shapes.

The three shapes are represented in 3 colors - red, yellow, blue, and are graded from 1 to 10 cm in size.

Made of high quality thick plastic.

Each color is stored in an individual box with a lid.

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Sound Boxes/Sound Cylinders

Description of Materials: Two boxes, each containing six cylinders, one set with red tops, one set with blue tops. Each pair of cylinders makes a different sound when shaken. Dots on bottom of three pairs of most contrasting sounds.

Purpose: To enhance discrimination of sound.

Recommended Ages: 3 years and up.

Sensorial. Sense of Hearing. Auditory Sense. Sound Boxes. Sound Box. Sound. 


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Pressure Cylinders

The Pressure Cylinders provide experiences in pairing and grading degrees of pressure

By pressing the spring-loaded plungers, the child senses the difference in resistance pressure. 

The material consists of a specially designed work tray containing 5 matching pairs of cylinders.

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Thermic Tablets

Wooden box with 6 compartments, containing two tablets each of six different materials.

Materials when touched, provide different sensations of temperature.

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Thermic Bottles with Box

A wooden box with 8 compartments containing 8 metal bottles with screw-on tops.

The bottles are identical in appearance to prevent visual matching.

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Binomial Cube

A wooden box with lid and two adjacent hinged sides containing 8 wooden cubes and prisms painted red, blue, and black. The box is hinged and opens out to display the cubes. The lid is printed with the binomial square pattern.

Dimensions: 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.5 inches

Recommended Ages: 3 years and up

The binomial cube is a cube that has the following pieces: one red cube, three black and red prisms, three black and blue prisms, and one blue cube.

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Trinomial Cube

The trinomial cube is contained in a wooden box with lid, having two adjacent hinged sides that open out to display 27 wooden component cubes and prisms painted blue, red, yellow, and black.

The box is hinged and opens out to display the cubes. The lid is printed with the trinomial square pattern.

Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.5 x 4 inches

The trinomial cube is similar to the binomial cube, but has the following pieces instead: 

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